Large rocks jutting from the seabed inspires images of Stonehenge hence the name. covered in soft corals,sea fans , whips it is home to many wonderful sea creatures… Seahorses, Sea moths, Nudibranchs, Ghost pipe fish, shrimps, crabs and a myriad of reef fish. Leopard Sharks, Barracuda , Trevally ,Fusiliers are also often seen here.


One of Thailand’s lesser known sites but world class diving. Everybody wants to go here but sea conditions mean that it is not always possible. However with our faster boat we are able to access this site more frequently than others and in considerably more comfort. Only the hard core would want to spend their surface interval on a longtail here. As the name suggests some 8 miles from land a pinnacle rising from in excess of 40m to 16m below surface. Knowing how and when to dive this site is crucial . Our experience with this site means we normally sight Mantas and virtually always leopard sharks. This is a dive for the more experienced diver and we like our divers to be PADI Advanced or higher or taking the same. Unless you are very experienced we insist on seeing you in the water prior to this dive. This site ranks with Hin Daeng and Hin Muang but with virtually zero chance of seeing other divers.


Just great diving. A short distance from here depths reach 60-70m so there is always the chance of something big showing up looking for a snack. A steeply sided island with a few nearby pinnacles to explore. Lots of soft coral on a background of black rock make a dramatic underwater seascape. Tour around them for a while just taking in the scenery then ascend a little and start checking out the shallower rocky reef. We always find something interesting at this site and the visibility is usually superb


Dropping in at the northern tip of Koh Ling Kao, divers will encounter a series of rocks going from shalows down to around 20 meters. There are a beautiful soft corals frowing on the rocks and hidden in the cracks and crevices are diferent varieties of shrimp and crab. Look closer at the reef you may be able to spot well camuflaged Scorpionfish. Continuing around the reef there are some fish traps to be found and the areas around them, often sandy patches can be good spots to hunt for nudibranchs. Cuttelfish are also often spoted in these sand/rubbly areas along with stingrays. Towards the end of the dive the reef starts to change and the safty stop can be spent viewing hard corals amongs the rocks in the shallows.


A macro divers paradise. This reef consists of two rocky fingers sticking out from the island. The fingers are covered in hard and soft corals, with the occasional sea fan and colonies of black coral pocking out from many nooks and crannies. It depends on the current how you dive this site but expect to find tiny, colorful nudis and shrinps, maybe a devil scorpionfish pocking its head out of some rocks, stone fish, pipefish and a plethora of different species of morays. Every now and then look out into the blue as you may be graced with seeing something big pass by. Dogtooth tuna, barracudas and batfish are often spotted here.


This dive site offers a bit of a wander in between big rocks and sandy patches to start with, and then slides along a sloping wall to reach a maximum depth of 20 meters. Get surprised by the rich marine lives hiding on the sandy bottom. On the way back, around the corner, you might even encounter an ornate ghost pipefish, just before reaching the shallower part of the reef. Hang around with large schools of snappers and fusiliers and get followed by curious batfish playing with the diver’s bubbles on the safety stop.


On the east side, jagged rocks seen from surface carry on into the sea to a depth of 18 meters. Many cracks/ crevasses in rocks where you can find lobsters, ghost pipefish, shrimps, crabs, look closely to spot scorpionfish. On west side of rocks at 8 meters, a splendid array of sea fans a great spot to return to for a safety stop. Rocks are covered in soft corals, leather corals, sea anemones, and sponges with depths to 30 meters a great dive sites for all levels. On the west side, dropping in at a sheltered bay, you generally start this dive over the sand where you can find stingrays and maybe even a cuttlefish. Moving on to the rocky reef we have boulders covered in soft and whip corals .Many giant barrel sponges found here. An excellent place to find shrimps and crabs hiding out in the nooks and crannies and there is usually a few lionfish hanging out as well. This dive site is suitable for all levels of diver as the reef goes from only a few meters below the surface to past twenty meters.


Huge boulders at the NW tip of the island give an indication of what lies below. Dive to around 20m and start exploring. Don’t forget to look out into the blue from time as we often see a school of Eagle Rays here. Your DM will be looking out for them (and you) You’ll see a lot of trevally, snapper in the blue as well as huge pufferfish, porcupinefish and moray on the reef. Here you’ll find both hard and soft coarls and enormous gorgonians so something for the critter lovers too.


On entry you will usually encounter a huge school of Big Eye Snapper then smaller ones of Fusiliers and two spot snapper. You can go off into the sand to discover a multitude of nudibranches and find a few stingrays, or stick close to the hard and soft coral reef looking out for shrimps, morays, and pipefish and maybe even an ugly-looking stonefish. Search out the cracks and crevices with torch light and you can often find Coral Cat Sharks lurking within. Soon after you’ll find yourself in a shallow coral garden where you can look back on a great dive with the resident lionfish and scorpionfish.